Progressive Possibilities
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Main Index for Foreign:
:: Dogaid Australia is campaigning to stop the torture to dogs and cats in South Korea. Please help us by signing our online petition at
and visiting our website Issues: animal rights; dogs; cats; torture; world cup; south korea; help; IAKA; KAPS; animal welfare; Location: VICTORIA.
Australia - Doctors Reform Society of Australia
:: A nonprofit progressive doctors group supporting universal health cover. Issues: health; public health; preventative medicine; nonviolence; environment; anti-nuclear; pro-choice. Location: Sydney.
Australia - Information for Action
:: A website explaining the environmental issues and including an automated lobbying service, searchable databases, a quiz, music, videos, and fun page. Issues: environment; education; biodiversity; conservation, consumerism; health; population; sustainability; pollution. Location: Perth, WA.
Australia - PARIAH People Against Racism In Aboriginal Homelands
:: A grass-roots activist group exposing entrenched racism in the Northern Territory. Issues: racism; indigenous landrights; aboriginal incarceration; anti-uranium mining; aboriginal health; aboriginal education; political corruption; social injustice; human rights. Location: Darwin.
Australia -
:: Issues: Antarctica; ca Location: brisbane.
Austria - GIVE - Globally Integrated Village Environment
:: A research institute for new villages based on mutual re-enforcement of wise use of local resources and cooperation through global communication Issues: ; cooperatives; communication; computer networking; sustainable development; intentional communities; economic conversion; open source; appropriate technology. Location: Vienna.
Brazil - Iko Poran Society
:: Offers strong international volunteer programs that promote a positive impact on the communities in which they take place. Issues: volunteering; education; social development; health; environment; children; culture; democracy. Location: Rio de Janeiro.
Bulgaria - Za Zemiata
:: Issues: anti-nuclear; Location: Sofia.
Ca - Funeral Preplanning Kit
:: Now you can make things easier for those you love with the comprehensive Preplanning kit. As Seen on T.V. the Preplanning Kit comes with everything you need to preplan your funeral for burial or cremation - with the funeral service provider of your choice via U.S. mail! Issues: death/dying; Location: Sunland.
Canada - Apoplectic Press: Curious Cards for Bewildering Times
:: Strange and subversive greeting cards & anti-Christmas
cards. Free activist graphics, gif animations and resources.
Original protest music for free download. Issues: psychology; corporate responsability; environment; biotechnology;
consumerism; wealth distribution. Location: Ottawa.
Canada - Association des industries forestières du Québec (AIFQ)
:: L'AIFQ représente 97% de la production des pâtes et papiers et les deux tiers de la production de bois d'oeuvre au Québec. Ses préoccupations concernent notamment: l'approvisionnement, la gestion des rejets, la valorisation des résidus, l'efficacité énergétique, le transport, etc. Issues: forests; aménagement forestier; gestion forestière; environnement; biodiversité; développement; sylviculture; recyclage; efficacité énergétique. Location: Sainte-Foy.
Canada - Competition and information among BC salmon seiners
:: Fleet dynamics: the human ecology of fishermen. Issues: conservation; fishing;oceans;ecology;overfishing. Location: Vancouver.
Canada - Foster Parents Plan of Canada
:: One of Canada's leading child sponsorship and international development organizations. Issues: child; AIDS; development; education; environment; health; hunger; Third World; youth. Location: Toronto, Ontario.
Canada - INO - Environment
:: Protecting the environment, enhancing recycling techniques and monitoring pollution levels is of major concern for both government and industry. INO has been successful in developing systems that respond to these requirements. Issues: science; , remote sensing, detection, micro-mirrors, fluoride fibers, container identification , electronic commerce, recycling, plastics, robot vision , computer vision , quality control Location: Quebec.
Canada - International Community of Ecopsychology
:: Our objective at is to provide a public forum for our diverse experiences of the human-nature relationship. Through sharing our connections we hope to provide a bridge towards harmony with the planet we inhabit.
Issues: ; Ecopsychology; Human Nature Relationship Location: .
Canada - Molotov Cocktail for the Soul
:: An ezine antidote to the simplistic feel-good banalities
of the self-help industries and none of chicken soup's
harmful side effects. Issues: workplace democracy; anarchism; workplace psychology; human resources;
satire; radicalism; popular culture; consumerism. Location: Edmonton.
Canada - Montagnais Essipit Community
:: The site describes the recreational and tourist services offered by the Essipit community: outfitting
operations, whale-watching cruises, accomodations and craft shop. Details concerning the
Montagnais (Innu) community are also provided. Issues: indigenous peoples; Location: Les Escoumins.
Canada - Mother Nature Fan Club
:: Description
Environmental Directory for Education,
Natural Lifestyle and Green Shopping- including
news, green energy, ecology activism and charity.
Featuring a children's nature art contest.
Issues: environment; Education,charity,volunteerism. Location: Barrie.
Canada - Peace and Environment Resource Centre
:: Educates the public, helps people get involved and
supports local groups via a library, workshops, our own
newspaper, a resource centre and a volunteer program. Issues: volunteering; peace; environment; justice;
nonviolence; bioregional; recycling;
green consumer; pesticides.
Location: Ottawa.
Canada - PopEd Toolkit - Popular Education in Action
:: Popular Education exercises, links and resources. Issues: education; Sustainable Transportation; ozone Location: Ottawa.
Canada - Project Ploughshares
:: Canada's ecumenical peace coalition. Issues: peace; Common Security; conflict prevention; conflict resolution; arms trade control; Canadian military industry; nuclear weapons abolition. Location: Waterloo, Ontario.
Canada - Quebec Forest Industries Association (QFIA)
:: QFIA represents 97% of the pulp and paper production in Quebec. QFIA is involved in a number of issues : mill fibre supplies, management of mill effluents, wastes and emissions, energy efficiency, transportation, human ressources, etc. Issues: forests; Location: Sainte-Foy, Québec.
Canada -
:: THE directory of nuclear, radiation amd radwaste related resources on the internet. Issues: energy; environment; education; science; waste management. Location: Toronto, ON.
Canada - SEVA Service Society (Canada)
:: Seva Service Society's mission is to prevent and
relieve suffering and generate hope through
compassionate action. Issues: health; nutrition; education; economic sustainability;
environmental protection; cultural survival;
human dignity; social justice; economic justice. Location: Vancouver, BC.
Canada - Stec's Commie-Pinko Homepage
:: Links to Anarchist, Socialist, Communist and Progressive sites on the World Wide Web. Also links to alternative news, media and labour
Issues: politics; Location: Calgary.
Canada - The Telson Spur: A Way Station for Snark Hunters
:: A metalist of mainly academic resources organized on the
theme of necessity vs. contingency in the study of time
and evolution. Issues: science; anti-authoritarianism;environment;faith;future;global understanding;ideation;interfaith;space. Location: Sidney.
Canada - Thunder Bay Coalition Against Poverty
:: T-CAP provides advocacy services for people living on low incomes as well as public education about the causes and effects of structural poverty. Issues: hunger; poverty, homelessness Location: Thunder Bay.
England -
:: Issues: music; Location: Reading.
England - Lonely Planet Exchange
:: Budget flights around europe Issues: whistle-blowing; georgey bouy, radical leftism, rabies Location: London.
England - Music Aid
:: The international music charity site and CD store from The World Music Foundation.
Issues: child support; Location: Westcliff.
England - Volunteer Latin America
:: Provide international volunteers with affordable volunteering opportunities in Mexico, Central and South America (period) Issues: volunteering; budget; central america; conservation; environment; jobs; south america; wildlife; travel (period) Location: Brighton.
FR Germany - The alternative Guide through the WWW-Galaxy
:: A faciliator for alternative projects, NGOs, interested individuals and others to find their way through the WWW. Issues: global understanding; international communication; alternative projects; Human Rights; Students; Ecology; AntiFa; Asia. Location: Hannover.
France - Arbre de l’Espérance (Hope Tree)
:: Marseille send a message to the world at the time of its 26th centenary. You can sign here and get a leaf at your name on the Hope Tree. Issues: peace; Location: Marseille.
:: Fraternet hosts, creates and offer Internet resourcess all for free for non-profit associations involved in humanitarian projects. Issues: computer networking; education, civil rights, health, appropriate technology, environment, students, associations Location: Lille.
France - Find penpals from all over the world
:: This is a free site dedicated to language exchange.
you can find penpals, penfriends and discuss online
(irc chat, internal mail, forum, search engine and so on ...)
Issues: travel; language; lean; teach; exchange. Location: Paris.
France - French culture and language training
:: Learn french in Paris with Accord école de langues. Intensives courses, summer camps for teens, teacher training and programs for executives. Issues: education; students;youth;travel. Location: Paris.
France - The Commons
:: The Commons is (a) a world wide forum concerned with improving our understanding and control of technology as it impacts on people in their daily lives; (b) a shared space on the Internet, freely accessible to all via the World Wide Web and supported by an expanding collection of communications utilities for group work purposes; and (c) a means for defining and moving toward an ethical framework that makes creative use of 21st century communications and a new spirit of international cooperation -- to find ways to reconcile the apparently contradictory but eminently human, and vitally complementary, traits of individual enterprise and our need for community and place. Issues: development; rethinking work; sustainable development; access; sustainable transportation; children; learning; cooperation; knowledge buidling. Location: Paris.
France - find a friend to exchange languages
:: This free site allows you to find the right partner to practice a foreign language. Issues: education; Location: Paris.
Georgis - CENN - Caucasus Environmental NGO Network
:: CENN - Caucasus Environmental NGO Network is non-governmental, non-profit organization established in 1998. Since establishment, CENN through its various projects acted as a voluntary effort to foster regional cooperation by means of improved communication among environmental organizations of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia (and partly Russia and Turkey). Issues: waste management; capacity building of environmental NGOs in the region;
facilitation and promotion of joint activities in the Caucasus;
improvement of the effectiveness of solutions of environmental problems;
establishment and maintenance of easily accessible environmental information space, and
coordination of efforts in the development of compatible environmental strategies and policies in Caucasus countries. Location: Tbilisi.
Germany - Social Fiction - S. Flor
:: Description of the dual economy of the year 2029;
local markets have become an important complement to
the established global economic system. Issues: future; utopia; LETS; economics; transformation; alternative markets. Location: Hannover.
Germany - Studienbuero Jetzt & Morgen
:: Our office researches and advises to changes, sustainability, and intergenerational issues. Issues: environment; institute; research; consulting; economy; society. Location: Freiburg.
Germany - polylog - Forum for Intercultural Philosophizing
:: Interdisciplinary scholarly e-journal for intercultural philosophy, comparative philosophy, inter-religious questions, and problems of inter- and multi-cultural phenomena.
Issues: global understanding; philosophy; culture; dialogue; cross-cultural; pluralism; diversity; globalization.
Location: Munich.
Greece - International Progressive Publications Network (IPPN)
:: A network of progressive publications from around the world. Issues: media; progressive movements; broad Left; solidarity; environment; peace. Location: Athens.
Guatemala - Center for Mayan Women Communicators
:: A non-profit which functions as a center for indigenous women to unite and communicate, to develop skills in communications technology to enable better representation in the world and in the media. Issues: education; women's studies; indigenous women; mayan women; communication. Location: Sololá.
Holland - World Information Service on Energy
:: Wise is an international organization, publisher of the Wise news communique 20 times a year, full with the latest news on all kinds of nuclear related issues; Issues: energy; nuclear power; nulear energy; anti-nuclear Location: Amsterdam.
India - Indo Consulting: Consultants for immigration and education
:: Issues: counseling; Location: Chennai.
India - Sambhav
:: works for the rights of tribals, children and women. Issues: child abuse; women, female infanticide, tribal rights, working children Location: Gwalior.
India - Samuha
:: Working to improve the quality of the people we work with in defined periods of time. Issues: development; Disabilities; HIV/AIDS; Resource-poor; Displaced Persons; Education; Natural Resource Management; Urban Development; Appropriate Information Technology. Location: Bangalore.
India - child labour and society
:: A concern of child labour exists from poverty. We have to understand as why children go to work Issues: civil rights; child labur, child poverty Location: delhi.
India - population and poverty
:: ONE LOAF OF BREAD AND SIX PEOPLE TO EAT. Over 70% of 6.2 billion-world populations, live in poor countries alone. Unprecedented growth of human population, and in particular the steep increase of human numbers in the worlds poor countries results to malnourished and dying children, Issues: population; population, poverty Location: delhi.
India - women and violence
:: No laws can protect until social awareness is initiated strictness is obtained. Under present laws culprit gets minimum punishment if found guilty. Minimum sentence to rapist should be life term. Besides this there should be modification in law Issues: domestic violence; women rights, violence, poverty Location: delhi.
India Singapore - ProPoor
:: Repository of information on South Asian NGOs Issues: networking; Internet IT webpage website repository portal Location: Singapore Calcutta.
International - Alternative Free Thinking & Tools of Reflection
:: Cooperative disclosure and diffusion about liberal and alternative philosophies, alternative technologies, economic alternatives, etc. International site, Call to cooperate to the project. Issues: economic conversion; Economic; Alternative tools Location: France and Mexico.
International - Earth Calendar
:: Every day is a celebration. Issues: global understanding; culture; holidays; religion; reference; countries; society. Location: International.
Ireland - The Roma Film Foundation
:: RFF are raising funds for their cinematographic project "Circus Europe". Issues: civil liberties; roma nationalism, anti racism, film funding Location: Athlone, Ireland.
Israel - Nutrition Information
:: The site holds valuable knowledge about nutrition.
It includes Information for every age and community. Issues: nutrition; diet, food, fitness, health, prevention Location: Tel-aviv.
Italy - Forum on Developing Countries
An open space for people interested in education
and communication for planning, housing, building
and urban design in developing countries.
developing countries.
Issues: housing; architecture; planning; development; communication; education; self-building. Location: Torino.
Malaysia - Aliran On-Line
:: a Malaysian reform group dedicated to Justice, Freedom, Solidarity. Malaysia's oldest human rights group. Issues: civil liberties; human rights; media freedom; justice; democracy; environment; good governance. Location: Penang.
Middle East and North Africa - The Virtual Souk
:: The virtual souk presents arts and crafts from talented but unpriviledged artisans of Middle East and North Africa. It is a network of Non profit NGOs. Issues: alternative markets; Location: Paris.
New Zealand - Fast Fundraising New Zealand
:: Fundraising tool for New Zealand groups and individuals Issues: fundraising; Location: Mt Maunganui.
New Zealand - Global Volunteer Network
:: Volunteer opportunities in community development worldwide. Issues: volunteering; community development; aids; disabilities; construction; orphans; environment. Location: Wellington.
Norway - One World Volunteer Institute
:: Volunteer opportunities in Africa, Latina America,Asia Issues: Africa; volunteer work;development;education;child support;civil rights;enviroment. Location: Oyer.
:: The World Kidney Fund was established as an
international fund by the National Kidney
Foundation Singapore to help kidney patients
in developing countries who have little or no
access to renal healthcare facilities. Through
this fund, training programmes are developed to
empower non-profit kidney organisations to
establish sustainable life-saving kidney
healthcare programmes. The World Kidney Fund
also aims to raise global awareness about kidney
disease and transplantation issues, as well as
educate the international public on kidney disease
prevention methods.
South Africa - EWET - Education With Enterprise Trust
:: A South African nonprofit that enable poor communities through development assistance for them to become the masters of their own destinies. Issues: Africa; Youth; Entrepreneurship; Poor Communities; Local Economic Development. Location: Harrismith.
Spain - A bilingual summer camp
:: Bilingual summer camp for juniors 9 - 16 years old. Both Spanish and English taught in the months of July and August in a magnificent boarding school in the south of Spain. Issues: education; summer camp;Spanish;language; Location: El Puerto de Santa Maria, Cadiz.
:: A Modern Style of Zen Combining Buddhist Prajna and Madhyamika Thought with the Spirit of Modern Science and Humanism Issues: spiritual; Modern Zen;Li Yuansong. Location: Taipei.
Taiwan, China - Jacob's Ladder to Progress in Taiwan
:: Alternative Taiwan. Taiwan travel and general information. Against independence, for reunification with China with autonomy for Taiwan. For social justice and sustainable development. Includes an unofficial home page for the Taiwan Labor Party. Issues: Asia; Taiwan; socialism; Labor Party; Green Party; China; Kurdistan; peace; Tibet. Location: Taipei.
The Netherlands - The Halcyon Cosmopolitan Entertainment
:: Humanistic, Transpersonal and Quantum Psychology. The Politics of Consciousness: Information Communication Awareness. Issues: psychology; environment; psychology; philosophy; health; sexuality; counterculture; spirituality; politics. Location: Amsterdam.
UK - Association of Personality Disorders
:: Personality disorder is a contreversal diagnosis, we ofer a diferant view and solution. Issues: health; Anti-psychiatry, mental health, Location: Bath.
UK - How to KILL A DOLPHIN and other Marine life
:: campaign to stop dynamite fishermen killing dolphins in the san bernadino strait. Issues: ocean; ocean. Location: FOLKESTONE.
UK - International African Association
:: Registered UK charity set up for the relief of people in need, hardship and distress in Ghana and other African countries. Issues: Africa; Location: London.
UK - New Renaissance Magazine
:: An international quarterly magazine with a holistic perspective on ecology, economics, politics, science, spirituality and the arts Issues: economics; social justice; spirituality; education; the arts Location: London.
UK - Stop abuse with
:: a site witch exposes the corruption that causes and hides abuse, perticualy by institutions and organizations. Issues: child abuse; Psychiatric abuse, Location: Bath.
UK - Worldwide Tutors
:: With the growing need for private tuition Worldwide Tutors seeks to bring students and tutors together from all over the world. From the remotest places to the busiest of cities Worldwide Tutors provides the resources you need to get the results you are looking for.
Issues: education; Food safety; morality;education. Location: Westcliff on Sea.
UK and USA - Global Issues
:: An insight into inter-related global issues. Issues: global understanding; poverty; globalization; free trade; geopolitics; environment; human rights; media. Location: (No organization. Individual. Web site is the only project).
Uganda - United Children's Fund, Inc.
:: A nonprofit organization offering volunteer and humanitarian aid to rural villages of Uganda, with emphasis on children's and women's issues and needs. United Volunteers program provides opportunties for students and others to work hands-on in with the indigenous people of rural Uganda for a better life. No particular skills are needed, just the desire to help others. Issues: youth; development; volunteering; indigenous peoples; disabled; child; AIDS; Africa; education. Location: Kampala.
:: THE TRUTH IS HERE Issues: peace; MEDIA,POLITIC Location: london.
United Kingdom - Abaana - giving them a future
:: Christian Charity helping children in Africa, raising money for projects such as child sponsorship, schools and hospitals. Issues: Africa; education; computer networking; faith; water; uganda; youth Location: Bangor, Northern Ireland.
United Kingdom - Voice 4 Dogs Exposing the Trade in Dog and Cat Fur
:: Campaigning to end the exploitation and slaughter of companion animals for cat and dog fur products.
Issues: animal rights; environment;education. Location: Aberdeen.
United Kingdom - Volunteer South America
:: A nonprofit directory of FREE and grass-roots volunteer opportunities in South America. Issues: volunteering; Street Kids; Teaching; Conservation; Environment; Children; volunteer; education; aborad. Location: London.
Netherlands - Social Criticism Review
:: A selection of top readings on modern society and its ills. Focuses on alienation between man, nature and a dysfunctional technical complex. Issues: politics; civil liberties; disarmament; environment; future; media; science; Third World. Location: Delft.
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Progressive Possibilities is a project of Macrocosm USA, a nonprofit clearinghouse.
This index program was designed by Matt Kruse.